Sunday, March 31, 2019

MD5 collisions: Cal Poly FAST CTF Challenge 9

Question: What is the name of the executable with the MD5 hash of cdc47d670159eef60916ca03a9d4a007 that performs a malicious task? (Don't worry none of these will actually harm your computer).
No Hint.
Answer: 15832-3645-24173.exe

This question sounded easy but turned out to be a bit trickier. You are given the MD5 hash of a file and then asked to give the name of the file. No hints are given since it is so straight forward. Or is it really?
Inside the zipped archive is a large collection of randomly named files of equal size.

In Linux you can find the MD5 hash of all the files in the directory by using “md5sum *”. MD5sum is a handy tool that calculates MD5 hashes. You can also get if for Windows from the win-bash project (

After running the command, you may notice something peculiar, every file in the directory has the same MD5 hash. Are they all the same file? No. One of these files is different, and this phenomenon is known as an MD5 hash collision. So how can we go about figuring out which file is the one we need? If you were to run the files from the command prompt, you would eventually figure it out but that method is impractical.

One of these files is supposed to be harmful to our computer. If we know that many of these files are identical, then calculating a hash will tell use which file is different. This time, we will calculate each file’s SHA1 hash. It is very, very unlikely that the odd file will have an identical MD5 and SHA1 hash value as the other files. In Linux, we can calculate the SHA1 hashes with “sha1sum *”.

15832-3645-24173.exe sticks out like a sore thumb with its different SHA1 sum. Running it in the command it pretends to erase your hard drive.

You could have also used strings on all the files in the directory and eventually found which was different.

These files were created with a tool called Evilize, which generates MD5 hash collisions between similar C programs. To understand more about why this happens and to download Evilize, check out

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