Sunday, March 31, 2019

Image Anti-Forensics: Cal Poly FAST CTF Challenge 7

Question: The flag is in this image. What is it? Format: fastctf{flag}
Hint: The magic is missing, don't believe the image now.
Answer: fastctf{PNGesus}

In this challenge, a given image file contains a flag and you must find it in there. This leads to many possibilities. Is it stego? Is it hiding in the strings? How is it in the image? These are good questions to ask. Trying to open the image should give you message from your image viewer saying it is unsupported.

So this file format is not supported. What kind of file is this exactly? This is where the “file” command comes to the rescue. You can use the file command in Linux of Cygwin (a Linux emulator for Windows).

file file7.jpeg

It appears “file” has failed us, since it only recognizes it as data. If this file is a JPEG, it should have some metadata that Exiftool can see.

Exiftool responds with very little useful information, other than stating there is a file format error, which would explain why our picture viewer failed to display the image. As with all CTF challenges, it is always good to run the strings and binwalk commands. Our hint tell us, “The magic is missing, don't believe the image now.”, and from strings we find the string “what’s the magic number?”.

A magic number is a binary sequence in the header of every file used to identify the file. All files should include a magic number, and the operating system examines this and the extension to determine the file type. All JPEG files should start with the binary sequence “FF D8 FF” since it is their magic number. Using a hex editor, we can examine the header of the file and change it if we need to. HxD is a free, simple, and easy to use Hex editor for Windows ( Bless is an alternative hex editor for Linux. Opening file7.JPEG reveals our issue.

The magic number should be at the very start of the file, but instead all we see are zeros. Someone has removed the header from this file, which explains why the file command could not identify it. We can add “FF D8 FF” to the start of the file and it should display properly. After editing the file and opening it, we see this:

Now the image file will not open at all. Our extension and header both match, so why is this happening? Let’s look back at our hint: “The magic is missing, don't believe the image now.”. So the magic number was missing, but it turns out that this not actually a JPEG file at all. To determine the original format of the file can be tricky if both the header and extension have been edited. Usually checking strings is our best bet. However, it was stated both in the question and hint that this was an image file. In that case we can continue to try different headers and matched extensions until the file opens properly. Common image formats include:

Magic Number
89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
47 49 46 38 37 61 or 47 49 46 38 39 61
42 4D
49 49 2A 00

For a list of magic numbers and associated file formats, check out:

File7.JPEG is actually a PNG image, and if we edit the header and extensions to reflect that, the image will properly open.

Now we can see the flag is “fastctf{PNGesus}. In hindsight I may have made this challenge a little too tricky. Beyond the magic number there is still data chunks that you could have examined to determine that it was a PNG file (“IHDR” is a critical first chunk, file ends with “IEND” chunk). You can read more about the PNG file structure here:

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